
“Being healthy shouldn’t be difficult or boring, it needs to be balanced, clean and tailored to each individual, we are all so uniquely beautiful.” Anita Flego
Meet Anita. A transformational Health Coach, Lifestyle Entrepreneur and Influencer in healthy living who has worked across the heath and natural therapies industry for two decades.
Anita is the coach to many ambitious high achievers ready to take control of their health and to anyone that is seeking to achieve their best body, mind and lifestyle for optimising ageing and longevity.
For two decades Anita has received extensive training from “the best of the best”, leaders in natural healing modalities;
Dr. Thomas Bige MD,ND, learning from the best to understand how our amazing physical body interacts and how the body systems work and what they need, to be able to function at it’s best and how to bring it all back together into equilibrium using modern technology and natural remedies.
Dr. Silvia Binder ND, Ph.D, diving deep into understanding energy medicine using ONDAMED and treating people with PEMF (pulse electro-magnetic field), with pulse biofeedbach to bring the Energy body and Physical body back together with frequencies, the energy source for your cells to activate self-healing power.
Angela Hryniuk, Spiritual Advisor/Therapist, learning meditation and how to access deeper parts of the subconscious mind to then be able to re-calibrate unconscious belief systems.
Angela’s revolutionary technique “Inner Child Odyssey”, combining hypnotherapy, visualization and meditation has lead me into my unconscious and has brought me the deepest healing possible, and the best inner engineering for my mind. We have to do the inner work to be truly healthy, happy and live a more meaningful life.
Anita’s practical experiences working with groups where she has guided them through a holistic body detoxification system has further matured her confidence in coaching and her gift in guiding people to achieve their desired health goals.
She has worked in the Hunter Valley under the banner of Roy McDonnald, founder of the One Life Group. Teaching better lifestyle solution to cope with modern life, introducing Dr. T’s body detoxification system and teaching the T5T (The five Tibet Rites Exercises)
Presenting programs in Bangkok for several years with Dr. Nalinee Sutthipisal MD, leading medical practitioner in dermatology and Anti-Aeging medicine guiding doctors and high achievers to use Dr.T’s body detoxification System and using energy medicine with ONDAMED for coping with the high demands of modern living.
Anita is an enthusiastic and supportive coach, teaching people how to own their mind and body, how to take health back into their own hands and maximize inner strength and potential with the result to age younger and healthier. Her positive attitude to life is always present as well as her passion for knowledge and commitment to growth both in her professional and personal development.
Anita is a proud mother of three sons that turned out healthy, successful and happy humans, she calls them her favourite humans and she calls the childhood times with them her biggest learning and greatest success.
“Being kind and firm is the characteristics that I have use in the guiding of my amazing children. Being kind and firm is what I’m using when I’m coaching my clients today”
Full Member of IICT
(International Institute for Complementary Therapists)