Heavy Metal and EMR/EMF Detox

Toxic Metals

Heavy metal accumulation in the human body poses significant health risks and can lead to severe health complications.



These toxic elements, even in trace amounts, can have detrimental effects on various organs and systems, disrupting normal physiological functions. Heavy metals can enter the body through multiple sources, including the food we consume, environmental exposures, occupational settings, and other anthropogenic activities.

Food Sources: One of the primary routes of heavy metal exposure is through the food chain. Contaminated water used for irrigation or industrial activities can introduce metals like lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic into crops. Seafood, especially predatory fish like tuna and swordfish, can accumulate high levels of mercury due to biomagnification, where mercury concentration increases as it moves up the food chain. Chronic consumption of such contaminated foods can lead to neurological disorders, kidney damage, cardiovascular issues, and developmental abnormalities, especially in children and fetuses.

Environmental Exposures: Industrial activities, mining operations, and improper disposal of electronic waste contribute significantly to environmental pollution with heavy metals. Air and water pollution from these sources can lead to widespread contamination of soil, water bodies, and the atmosphere. Inhalation of airborne particles containing lead, arsenic, or cadmium can cause respiratory problems, impaired cognitive function, and systemic toxicity. Additionally, contaminated water sources can expose communities to heavy metals, leading to chronic health problems like kidney disease, neurological disorders, and increased cancer risk.

Occupational Hazards: Workers in industries such as mining, battery manufacturing, smelting, and electronics recycling are at heightened risk of heavy metal exposure. Prolonged occupational exposure can result in acute poisoning or chronic health conditions, including respiratory ailments, organ damage, neurological disorders, and increased susceptibility to infections.

Other Sources: Apart from food and environmental exposures, individuals can encounter heavy metals through various everyday products, including cosmetics, ceramics, traditional medicines, and herbal supplements. Lead, mercury, and arsenic have been found in certain cosmetic products and traditional remedies, posing significant health risks upon absorption or ingestion.

Health Implications: Heavy metal toxicity can manifest as a range of health problems depending on the type of metal, exposure duration, and individual susceptibility. Lead exposure, particularly in children, can lead to developmental delays, learning disabilities, and behavioral problems. Mercury accumulation can impair neurological function, affecting memory, cognition, and motor skills. Cadmium exposure is associated with kidney damage, bone disorders, and increased cancer risk. Arsenic exposure is linked to skin lesions, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and various cancers.


Did you know that the toxic metal lead can be transferred from a mother to her unborn baby during pregnancy.

When a pregnant woman is exposed to lead, whether through contaminated food, water, air, or other environmental sources, the lead can cross the placenta and enter the bloodstream of the developing fetus. Once in the fetus, lead can affect its development and have adverse health effects.

Lead deposits in the body or exposure to lead during pregnancy can lead to various complications, including:

1. Premature birth: Mothers exposed to lead may have a higher risk of delivering prematurely.
2. Low birth weight: Babies born to mothers exposed to lead may have a lower birth weight than those born to mothers who were not exposed.
3. Neurological effects: Lead exposure can harm the developing brain and nervous system of the fetus, leading to cognitive and behavioral problems later in life. Even low levels of lead exposure during pregnancy can have lasting effects on a child's intellectual development and behavior.
4. Other health effects: Lead exposure during pregnancy can also lead to other health problems in the baby, such as hearing problems, slowed growth, and developmental delays.

To protect unborn babies from lead exposure, it is essential for pregnant women to be aware of potential sources of lead in their environment and take appropriate precautions. This may include avoiding certain foods known to contain high levels of lead, ensuring that drinking water is free from lead contamination, and minimizing exposure to lead-based paints and other sources of lead in the home or workplace.

A proper chelation protocol should be done before considering pregnancy, guided by a health practitioner.

Toxic metals may be responsible or contribute to a long list of diseases and accumulation can lead long-term to Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and other brain and neurological disorders. Because of the many sources of heavy metal exposure we need to address detoxification on a regular base.



Electromagnetic fields (EMFs), extremely low frequencies (ELFs), and radiation are terms that encompass a range of energy types that can be found in various environments and sources. Here's a breakdown of where we encounter them and their potential health effects:

Sources of EMFs and ELFs:

Natural sources: Earth itself generates a magnetic field (the geomagnetic field), and there are natural sources of electromagnetic radiation like sunlight and thunderstorms.
Man-made sources: These are more prevalent in our modern world and include power lines, electrical appliances (like microwaves, computers, and televisions), cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, and other wireless devices.
Health Concerns:

EMFs and ELFs: Concerns have been raised about the potential health effects of exposure to EMFs and ELFs. Some studies have suggested associations between high levels of EMF exposure (like from certain jobs) and increased risks of diseases like certain types of cancer, although the evidence is not conclusive. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies EMFs as a Group 2B possible carcinogen, meaning there is limited evidence of a link to cancer in humans.

Radiation: This term can refer to various types of energy, including ionizing radiation (like X-rays and gamma rays) and non-ionizing radiation (like ultraviolet, visible light, and radiofrequency radiation from cell phones). Ionizing radiation has been definitively linked to an increased risk of cancer and other health issues at high doses. Medical imaging procedures like CT scans and X-rays use ionizing radiation, so they're done with careful consideration of risks versus benefits. Non-ionizing radiation, such as that from cell phones and Wi-Fi, has been studied extensively. While some concerns have been raised about potential health effects, the consensus among many health organizations, including the WHO, is that there's no consistent evidence to date that exposure to typical levels of non-ionizing radiation from cell phones, Wi-Fi, or other devices causes adverse health effects.

Protection and Guidelines:

Various organizations around the world, including the WHO, have established guidelines for exposure to EMFs and radiation to ensure public safety. These guidelines are based on scientific research and aim to limit exposure to levels that are considered safe.
Individuals can take precautionary measures like using hands-free options for cell phones, reducing the use of electrical devices where possible, and keeping a distance from high EMF sources if concerned.



Zeolite is the main ingredients in ZeoPro+, they may strip heavy metals and harmful chemicals out of the body.

Thanks to its negative charge and its structure of porous micro particles, it can trap positively charged ions (toxins) and free radicals, and remove them from your body.

ZeoPro+ literally traps toxins and escorts them out of your body. Furthermore ZeoPro+ helps to eliminate radiation poisoning (such as medical scans, x-rays and such).

In Japan and Russia, after the nuclear disasters, zeolite and black mica was used to clear contaminated water and fields. It was added to food to detoxify children who were exposed to radiation. ZeoPro+ is safe to take long term and will also act like a repellent for EMR’s

The initial detox should be done as directed on the HM detox fact sheet, it should be repeated in a 3-monthly routine plus the ZeoPro+ should be taken for one week every month.

Price: $49

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